Over the past month I have had the honor of working with a local restaurant, California Monster Salad, to create a program to Salad-Size (down-size) our wonderful participant, Frank Kramer, from the KLOS “Heidi and Frank” morning radio show.
First of all, Stacy and Daniel, co-owners of California Monster Salad, are just amazing people to work with – their passion, energy, and desire to make the world healthier is totally in line with my own vision!
I have analyzed every single ingredient, every recipe, and have created a 30-day weight loss meal plan for Frank, using the California Monster Salad menu and cold-pressed juices – and one, in which he will not get bored!
We are all familiar with the “Super-Size Me” documentary in which the participant ultimately became very ill at the end of the 30 days of fast food eating. As a team, we are going to show the complete opposite outcome! Our “Salad-Size Me” program will show that an average man, eating very clean, healthy meals and snacks, and incorporating exercise into his lifestyle, will become leaner and healthier in a short period of time.
Along with the fantastic array of salads and soups available at California Monster Salads, we have created new recipes of wraps, whole grains, and desserts that could become part of their ongoing repertoire.

We will monitor Frank’s progress weekly throughout the 30 days and will tweak the meal program, as needed, to ensure he is on his way to meeting his weight loss goal.
This program is so important because if we can show people how quickly they can make concrete, measurable changes to their health – who wouldn’t commit to it? They say it takes 6 weeks to change old habits…in the years I have counseled clients, I have found that it often takes longer than 6 weeks, but with ongoing motivation and support, they reach and maintain their goals. It becomes part of their lifestyle, or rather, their new, healthy habit.